Thursday, May 17, 2007

DUE FRIDAY 5/18 Apology Reading pp. 61-70

Highlighted section: P.69 section 40e-(end of)41a Summarized: "Death would be a nice punishment because I will get to see my friends again. Please kill me, i would like to see them."

I almost understand why Socrates would say this. I do not get this because he is trying a bit to hard to give the judges guilt trip. It seams unnecessary to go to that length of making someone feel bad about themselves. Yet at the same time it seems effective... but only if he told the judges before he was sentenced to death!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

DUE THR 5/17 The Apology pp. 51-61

Sentence highlighted: p.52 section 27a: 'Socrates is guilty of not believing in the gods, but believing in the gods.' And this is pure flippancy.

I chose this sentence for a hopefully obvious reason. That reason is that this sentence makes no sense at all. Meletus says that Socrates is guilty and not guilty of believing in the gods. Either this sentence was written wrong or I am confused on what Meletus is trying to say. I will ask for clarification on Thursday.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

DUE WED 5/16 The Apology

Sentence I highlighted: p46-47 section b I highlighted the first full paragraph. Summarized it says that he is so actively religious that it has reduced him to poverty.

This is important because he was charged of not being religious. So if this paragraph states that he is very active in the practice he couldn't have been non-religious. that said, there is one less offense toward Socrates. Also, it shows how dumb the prosecutors were in convicting him of that.

Monday, May 14, 2007

DUE TUE 5/15 Pericles Funeral Oration

Make a list of some of the Athenian values that you encountered in the text. Choose one a write a couple of sentences (or more) about why it might be good for the trial of Socrates.

I came across several values. One of those values stated that everyone had power and not just a minority. Another value was that they gave their obedience to the people they put in an authoritative position. I am kinda confused on those two values because the contradict each other a bit.