Monday, April 23, 2007

Due Tuesday 4/24 - The press in times of crisis

Assume that our next debate will have the resolution, "The press should be censored in times of crisis."

Q: Indicate whether your reading selection is pro or con for the above resolution and write three things that support the pro or con position on this issue.

The section that I read was against that resolution. There are three things that support the con side argument on this topic. The first argument is that it is unconstitutional to censor what the media has to say. The other arguments did not relate to the press in a manner describing how it is unnecessary to censor the media. For instance they talk about a guy who was thrown in jail without questioning or a lawyer. The article also talks about how high government officials asked news stations to restrict the bin laden tapes; it never really said how that was bad, just why the stations agreed. So I hope we get to talk about this in class because we didn't last time and it would have helped me a lot.

Q:Write a paragraph where you state your opinion on the issue. It should include some evidence from the reading, but it does not have to follow each viewpoint to the letter. You can also include ideas and evidence from other sources or individuals.

My opinion on this matter is that news stations should be able to present any news topic they want. The only exception would be if there is already legal interferences such as using hate speech. If stations like adult swim can get away with brief nudity, language, intense violence, etc... i think that a news stations should at least be able to do what they want.

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